Real Food Encyclopedia | Apples

Humans have been fascinated by the apple (Malus domestica) for millennia. It’s a popular candidate for the notorious forbidden fruit from the Garden of Eden, and features in Greek mythology. A falling apple inspired Sir Isaac Newton’s theory of gravity in 1666. The fruit has inspired practical advice, including “Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread,” an old Welsh proverb that later morphed into: “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” 

Worldwide, there are more than 7,500 known apple varieties in circulation, 100 of which are grown commercially in the United States. However, this is just a fraction of the thousands of varieties that were on record just a little over a hundred years ago.

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Fun facts about apples:

  • The apple (or its wild ancestor, the crab apple) is known to have figured into the diet of Neolithic and Bronze Age settlers along the lakes of Switzerland. Based on carbonized remains discovered in the 1800s, we have determined that they were dried, presumably for winter consumption.
  • The fruit got its first mention in the Western canon around 800 BCE, in “The Odyssey,” the epic poem written by Homer.
  • When the Normans invaded England in 1066, they brought seeds of several varieties from France along with a love of “hard” alcoholic cider. 
  • Johnny Appleseed, aka John Chapman, is credited with spreading the apple gospel in the U.S. in the late 18th century. Remembered as a folk hero, he did not, in fact, sprinkle the seeds like fairy dust — but he had set up apple seedling nurseries from Pennsylvania to Indiana by the time of his death in 1845.

What to look for when buying apples

Apples differ in shape, size, color, texture, aroma and flavor. In general, when shopping for apples, look for firm, unblemished or unbruised fruit. If you’ve never ventured beyond the Red Delicious of your childhood lunchbox, here are a few of the possibilities:

  • Empire: A cross between the McIntosh and the Red Delicious. A sweet-tart fruit, the Empire is known for its bright white flesh and creamy texture. The Empire is a great candidate for applesauce or pie, but also makes a good choice for eating fresh.
  • Fuji: Another Red Delicious cross (with a cultivar called Ralls Janet), the Fuji has a pinkish blush, a medium crunch and a delicate flavor. Because of its sweetness and low acidity, the Fuji is a popular variety, especially with kids, for eating fresh.
  • Gala: The Royal Gala is named in honor of Queen Elizabeth II, who called it her favorite variety when she tried it on a trip to New Zealand. Galas are crisp and sweet, best for fresh eating. Because the Gala apple maintains its flavor and texture well in storage, it’s often available well into the spring months.  
  • Honeycrisp: Developed by breeders at the University of Minnesota, the Honeycrisp has become one of the most popular varieties in the country because of its sweet-tart flavor balance and “explosive” crunch. The Honeycrisp is a versatile variety, great for eating fresh, in salads, with a cheese plate or in baked goods. 
  • Jonagold: The yellow-and-red-skinned Jonagold can be a very large apple. Its crisp, white flesh offers a good balance between sweet and tart, with a fragrance that is sometimes compared to that of a pear.   
  • Mutsu (aka Crispin): Another very large variety, the Mutsu is light green in color, with yellow to off-white flesh. Mildly sweet with hints of spice, the Mutsu has an almost savory taste that’s reminiscent of jicama. Although the Mutsu holds up well in pies, it usually needs to be mixed with a more assertively flavored variety for balance.
  • Winesap: With its origins in the American colonies, the Winesap is an old variety that’s still popular today. As the name suggests, the Winesap has deep red skin. This variety is well-known for its aromatic, spiced flavor and pronounced tartness, which makes it a great choice for pairing with savory foods like cheese.

Sustainability of apples


Apples are vulnerable to a number of insect pests, fungal infections and bacterial diseases. Because of this, growers often apply large quantities of pesticides and other chemicals to maintain a productive crop. This came to national attention in 1989, when “60 Minutes” aired a segment about the health risks of Alar (daminozide), a growth regulator sprayed on crops. The broadcast prompted a nationwide scare that resulted in consumer boycotts and ultimately a ban on Alar from the Environmental Protection Agency later that year. Decades later, high chemical use is still a concern. In the Environmental Working Group’s Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce, conventional apples ranked number five on the “Dirty Dozen” list of most contaminated fruits and vegetables; 90 percent of those tested were found to have detectable pesticide residue.

Organic apples make up about 8 percent of total production, but that number is rapidly increasing. Most are grown in eastern Washington, where drier conditions make it easy to grow chemical-free apples with less risk of fungal disease. In wetter parts of the country where organic production is difficult, you can often find “low spray” varieties that were produced with fewer pesticides. If you’re concerned about pesticides but want to buy locally, ask the farmers at your local market about their chemical use. 

Labor issues

Like many other fruits and vegetables, apples require a lot of labor to grow and pick. Many producers rely on migrant workers who may be pressured into long hours in unsafe conditions. This reliance on migrant labor also becomes a food waste concern — when immigration is restricted and labor is scarce, a large portion of the crop in states like Washington goes unpicked.


Apple harvest time runs from August until November, when the fruit is at its peak flavor and texture. Because the fruit keeps well in cold storage, locally grown apples are often available through the spring. In the summer, imported apples from the Southern Hemisphere help supply supermarkets.  


China leads the world in apple production, with the U.S. coming second. Apples are grown in all 50 states, with commercial orchards in 36 states. Eastern Washington has been the apple leader since the 1920s: This region represents more than $2 billion of the country’s $3 billion apple market. According to the Washington State Apple Commission, the Evergreen State grows more than 85 percent of all U.S.-grown organic apples. Other top apple-growing states include New York, Michigan and Pennsylvania.

Eating apples


Apples were historically stored in cellars, but these days, the vegetable drawer in the refrigerator is the best place for them. Avoid storing apples on the counter or at room temperature unless you plan on eating them quickly, as they can rapidly lose flavor and crispness. Stored in a cool place away from light and heat, apples can keep for at least a few weeks — and often longer.

Cooking with Less Waste


We no longer have thousands of apple varieties, but there are still thousands of ways to prepare them. Try slices of apple with hummus or your favorite nut butter; as a topping on white pizzas; or tucked into a grilled cheese. Apples pair well with almost all cheeses, from Brie to Gouda. In parts of the United States, apple pie is customarily served with a slice of sharp cheddar

Apples are also great in salads, where they bring sweetness and crunch. Try them tossed with arugula or watercress and a lemony vinaigrette, or mixed with shredded Brussels sprouts or shaved fennel. They also pair well with woody herbs like rosemary and thyme, a great combination for savory preparations, such as marinades or roasted meats, as well as desserts. Try roasting apples with herbs and serving over a bowl of vanilla ice cream.

Apples will oxidize (turn brown) soon after slicing, but this can be minimized with a spritz of fresh lemon juice.


Apples are traditionally preserved by cooking them down into applesauce, jam, jelly or apple butter. Apples can be dehydrated, fermented or juiced and then frozen. You can also freeze them fresh (after slicing and tossing with lemon juice) or mix up an apple pie filling and freeze for later use.


Many of an apple’s nutrients are found in the peel, so it’s best to enjoy the entire fruit. A medium-size apple provides about 4 grams of fiber and about 14 percent of the daily recommended amount of Vitamin C. Apples are especially high in phytonutrients like polyphenols and anthocyanins, which act as antioxidants. Other potential benefits include blood sugar regulation and lung support; a 2004 study linked apple consumption to a lowered risk of lung cancer and asthma.

Apples are naturally rich in pectin, a fiber that makes you feel full. There are digestive benefits too: There’s evidence to suggest apple pectin consumption can slow the growth of colon cancer.

Top photo by Janelle/Adobe Stock.